The direct benefit transfer (DBT) mechanism in various government schemes have helped the government save around Rs 650 billion (over $10 billion), NITI Aayog CEO Amitabh Kant said."All government schemes should be linked to DBT, or else corruption cannot be eliminated.

Currently around 300 schemes are implemented through DBT, benefiting around 410 million people," Kanth said at the launch of the book "On the Trail of the Black", edited by Bibek Debroy and Kishore Arun Desai.


Talking about ease of doing business in the country, Kant said the government has done away with around 1,200 old laws which were not relevant and it should also simplify processes for businesses by reducing the government forms to just a single page."No form should be more than that of one page, no rule should be more than that of two pages and no act should be longer than three pages," he added