
Disaster & Management

Closing Crisis Protection Gap: Leaders call for 10 fold higher finance to meet cost of future crises

Closing Crisis Protection Gap: Leaders call for 10 fold higher finance to meet cost of future crises

Less than $1 of every $5,000 of crisis finance goes to low income countries in the form of prearranged finance. Annual global economic losses from unmitigated climate change are projected to range between $7 trillion and $38 trillion by 2050 The High-Level Panel on...

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Munich Re promotes Parametric solutions for Cat losses in India

Munich Re promotes Parametric solutions for Cat losses in India

An one day event on ``Disaster Risk Transfer and Financing Solutions for India'', organised by Munich Re, aims to bring together representatives from various Indian states, the insurance industry, government bodies, International organizations experienced in disaster...

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Allianz Risk Barometer 2025: Business interruption top business risk in Asia

Allianz Risk Barometer 2025: Business interruption top business risk in Asia

Christian Sandric, Regional Managing Director of Allianz Commercial Asia, said, “Business interruption is the most significant risk for companies in the region and this is no surprise as Asian economies are increasingly participating in trade globally and regionally....

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