by AIP Online Bureau | Oct 9, 2024 | Disaster & Management, Eco/Invest/Demography, International News, Non-Life, Reinsurance, Wealth Management/ Philanthropy
Catastrophe bonds, or cat bonds as they’re known in the industry, are issued by insurers and reinsurers to provide financial protection against the most severe natural disasters. Investors who buy the bonds stand to make large gains if a predefined event doesn’t...
by AIP Online Bureau | Oct 16, 2023 | Disaster & Management, Eco/Invest/Demography, International News, Non-Life, Reinsurance, Risk Management, Wealth Management/ Philanthropy
Big reinsurers like Swiss Re and Munich Re, as well as some real-economy companies, have increasingly looked to cat bonds as they try to protect themselves from once-in-a-lifetime disasters. In July, Blackstone Inc. turned to cat bonds to shield property assets from...
by AIP Online Bureau | Jan 10, 2023 | International News, Non-Life, Reinsurance, Risk Management, Technology
This is the first time that a liquid Insurance-Linked Securities (ILS) instrument has been created for cyber catastrophe risks, said Beazley The $45 million bond gives Beazley indemnity against all perils in excess of a $300 million catastrophe event, with the...
by AIP Online Bureau | Dec 7, 2022 | Disaster & Management, Eco/Invest/Demography, International News, Reinsurance
“Most of our transactions today have been either earthquake or hurricane,” said Bennett, referring to insured risks. “I think that will continue to be the largest, but certainly people are thinking about things like drought and flooding” Michael Bennett, head of...
by AIP Online Bureau | Aug 4, 2022 | International News, Non-Life, Reinsurance
Swiss Re Insurance-Linked Investment Advisors Corporation (SRILIAC’s) investment strategy focuses on insurance-linked securities, primarily catastrophe bonds, thus allowing investors the opportunity to access Swiss Re’s capabilities in catastrophe bond...