by AIP Online Bureau | May 14, 2023 | Climate, Environment, Renewable Energy, Disaster & Management, Eco/Invest/Demography, International News, Non-Life
Extreme weather hazards will occur more frequently due to climate change in the years ahead, the International Organization for Migration (IOM) warned “The linkages between climate change, migration, and displacement are increasingly pressing worldwide,”...
by AIP Online Bureau | May 13, 2023 | Disaster & Management, Eco/Invest/Demography, International News, Non-Life, Reinsurance
Extreme weather hazards will occur more frequently due to climate change in the years ahead, IOM warned ““The linkages between climate change, migration, and displacement are increasingly pressing worldwide,” the agency said, calling on governments to implement...
by AIP Online Bureau | Dec 6, 2022 | Disaster & Management, Eco/Invest/Demography, Non-Life
Reviewing preparedness of the states/UT and central agencies, Cabinet Secretary Rajiv Gauba, stressed that preventive and precautionary measures should be taken by the authorities concerned of state/UT governments and the central agencies concerned. The aim should be...
by AIP Online Bureau | May 9, 2022 | Disaster & Management, Indian News
The system will not make landfall either in Odisha or Andhra Pradesh, IMD Director-General Mrutunjay Mohaptra had said on Sunday. He said the cyclone will move parallel to the east coast and cause rainfall from Tuesday evening New Delhi: Asani, the severe cyclonic...
by AIP Online Bureau | Mar 17, 2022 | Disaster & Management, Eco/Invest/Demography, Indian News
“If the forecast materialises, tropical cyclone Asani will become the first-ever tropical cyclone to hit Andaman and Nicobar Islands in March. Not a single tropical cyclone has hit the region in March in at least 132 years,” Akshay Deoras, a meteorologist at the...