by AIP Online Bureau | Feb 26, 2018 | Indian News
Mumbai: HDFC ERGO General Insurance, on Monday launched of `Ticket Cancellation Insurance Policy’, a first-of-its kind product in the non-life insurance sector in India. This new policy will provide cover for a pre-booked ticket in case of any cancellations by...
by AIP Online Bureau | Feb 26, 2018 | International News, Reinsurance
New Delhi: XL Catlin has appointed Claudia Thyme as Director Emerging Markets Development. Based in Zurich, Thyme will contribute to driving and executing XL Catlin’s emerging market strategies, with a particular focus on Latin America. She will...
by AIP Online Bureau | Feb 25, 2018 | Indian News, Risk Management
New Delhi: Rattled by a spate of frauds in the banking sector, lenders are now planning to increase insurance cover against delinquencies by their employees to protect their bottomlines. "Frauds of such magnitude and scale — PNB fraud Rs 114 billion (Rs...
by AIP Online Bureau | Feb 24, 2018 | Interviews
What are the cat risks Indian market experience? The major natural catastrophe perils affecting India include tropical cyclones, floods, earthquake, tsunami and droughts. Landslides and hail are also common in parts of India with the latter generally affected standing...
by AIP Online Bureau | Feb 24, 2018 | Indian News, Regulation
Mumbai: The RBI today launched 'Ombudsman Scheme' for non-banking financial companies (NBFC), that sell range of financial products including insurance, for redressal of complaints against them. "The scheme will provide a cost-free and...