“Adequate prices and conditions continue to be indispensable for sustainable reinsurance protection. This is all the more true given that climate change and associated extreme weather events remain one of our greatest challenges. The wildfires around Los Angeles have underscored this once again,” Sven Althoff, member responsible for property and casualty reinsurance at Hannover Re
Hannover: Global reinsurer Hannover Re has seen its premium volume in the Asia-Pacific region grew by a modest 0.8% in Jan 1 renewals.
Competition in the region remained intense overall, especially in Southeast Asia and China. Opportunities for growth at adequate prices opened up in selected markets such as Indonesia, Singapore and Vietnam, said the global reinsurer on Thursday.
Globally, Hannover Re increased the premium income in traditional property and casualty reinsurance by 7.6% in the treaty renewals as at 1 January 2025. The good quality of the renewed business was maintained, while an average inflation- and risk-adjusted price decline of 2.1% was recorded.
“We can look back on successful renewals in a market that remains attractive. This enabled us to generate further profitable growth in our book of business,” said Jean-Jacques Henchoz, Chief Executive Officer of Hannover Re.
“Demand for high-quality reinsurance capacities was once again higher than in the previous year. Thanks to our very healthy capitalisation, we were able to offer our clients more reinsurance protection at appropriate conditions.” added Jean-Jacques Henchoz.
“Reinsurance prices are still on a level commensurate with the risks, although loss-free treaties, in particular, saw increased competition, leading to price reductions in especially competitive lines. At the same time, however, conditions and retentions remained extensively unchanged. Most notably, the good quality of our portfolio coupled with sustained strong demand gives us confidence as we look ahead to further renewals during the year,” said Sven Althoff, member, property and casualty reinsurance.,Hannover Re.
“Adequate prices and conditions continue to be indispensable for sustainable reinsurance protection. This is all the more true given that climate change and associated extreme weather events remain one of our greatest challenges. The wildfires around Los Angeles have underscored this once again,” he explained.
“Looking ahead to our targets for 2025, the successful renewals in January give me grounds for optimism. Growth in traditional business as well as the double-digit increase in structured reinsurance will be pivotal to achieving our growth target for 2025,” said Jean-Jacques Henchoz.
“We already recorded the first significant large loss event shortly after the start of the year with the California wildfires. We therefore continue to place considerable emphasis on our prudent underwriting policy and our risk management,” he stated.
Hannover Re slightly extended its strong market position in natural catastrophe business on the back of a continued adequate price level and stable conditions. The risk-adjusted price decline in this segment amounted to 5.4%, with erosion most striking in US business. The retentions carried by ceding companies nevertheless remained on a stable level and were in some cases further increased under loss-impacted business, said the reinsurer.
Hannover Re’s premium volume in the region Europe, Middle East and Africa grew by 9.7%. An increased supply of reinsurance capacity led to rate erosion, while conditions remained good.
In Germany, Hannover Re increased its premium volume on the back of attractive risk-adjusted prices and thereby maintained its strong market position. The Middle East and Türkiye recorded significant rate improvements for loss-affected business.
The premium volume in the Americas region increased by 13.5%. Large parts of the portfolio here come up for renewal on 1 June and 1 July 2025. The property insurance market in the United States remains attractive despite appreciable pricing pressure, while in the liability segment risk-adjusted price improvements were possible.
Particularly substantial premium growth was booked in business with insurtechs, although volume was also boosted elsewhere in the property and casualty portfolio. The wildfires in and around Los Angeles will likely have a significant impact on property insurance renewals during the year.
Worldwide markets
The premium volume in the credit, surety and political risks lines grew by 4.5% in a favourable market environment. Aviation and marine reinsurance saw premium volume contract by 6.2%.
While Hannover Re was able to further enlarge its market share in the aviation sector, surplus capacities in marine business resulted in moderate price declines despite significant large loss expenditure.
The premium volume booked by Hannover Re in agricultural lines declined by 9.2%. This was driven by, among other things, a planned reduction of the business volume in China on profitability grounds.
With sustained strong demand for solutions offering capital relief, Hannover Re benefits from its leading market position in structured reinsurance.
An above-average, double-digit growth rate is therefore anticipated for 2025. The renewals in facultative reinsurance passed off with the expected stability in view of the attractive market environment, although the risk-adjusted prices retreated somewhat coming off a high level, said the reinsurer.