by AIP Online Bureau | Jun 10, 2023 | Articles, Eco/Invest/Demography, Non-Life
“The compulsory wearing of safety belts, as well as helmets for two-wheelers, and increased political commitment to road safety, played a decisive role in the reduction of road deaths throughout Europe from the 1970s onwards,” said Jean Todt, UN Special Envoy for Road...
by AIP Online Bureau | Sep 21, 2022 | Indian News, Risk Management, Technology
“Safety-belt reminder” means a system dedicated to alerting the driver when the driver and all other front-facing seat occupant(s) do not use the safety-belt. The system is constituted by a detection of an unfastened safety-belt and by a driver’s...
by AIP Online Bureau | Sep 6, 2022 | Eco/Invest/Demography, Indian News, Non-Life
Road Transport and Highways, Nitin Gadkari said “A notification will be issued in the next three days that if one doesn’t wear a seat belt while sitting on the rear seat of a car, he or she will be penalised The highest number of people dying in road accidents in...