by AIP Online Bureau | Sep 17, 2024 | Eco/Invest/Demography, International News, Policy, Regulation, Risk Management, Technology
Pavel Durov, CEO, Telegram The so-called LOPMI law, enacted in January 2023, has placed France at the forefront of a group of nations taking a sterner stance on crime-ridden websites. But the law is so recent that prosecutors have yet to secure a conviction PARIS:...
by AIP Online Bureau | Apr 13, 2024 | Eco/Invest/Demography, Facts, Health
A team of medical professionals would need to confirm that the patient has a grave and incurable illness, is suffering from intolerable and untreatable pain, and is seeking lethal medication of their own free will. Those with severe psychiatric conditions and...
by AIP Online Bureau | Jan 17, 2024 | Climate, Environment, Renewable Energy, Eco/Invest/Demography, International News, Policy, Workplace/Employee Benefits
The most common reasons people gave for not having more children were concerns about the economic, social and climatic outlook, cited by 30% of those polled. Some 28% said raising children cost too much PARIS: France saw the lowest number of births since World War Two...
by AIP Online Bureau | Nov 21, 2023 | Climate, Environment, Renewable Energy, Eco/Invest/Demography, International News, Non-Life, Policy
About 73% of electricity consumed in India is produced using coal, even though the country has increased its non-fossil capacity to 44% of its total installed power generation capacity France, backed by the United States, plans to seek a halt to private financing for...
by AIP Online Bureau | Jul 5, 2023 | International News, Non-Life, Reinsurance
French employers’ lobby Medef estimated the cost of violence since the police shooting of Nahel, a 17-year-old of North African descent, last Tuesday at more than €1 billion ($1.1 billion), with 200 businesses looted, and 300 bank branches and 250 tobacco stores...