by AIP Online Bureau | Jan 24, 2024 | Eco/Invest/Demography, Indian News, Regulation, Risk Management
The regulator carried out a detailed probe after receiving a voluntary safety report from an airline employee alleging safety violations of flights operated by Air India on certain long range terrain critical routes, according to a release on Wednesday New Delhi:...
by AIP Online Bureau | Oct 15, 2023 | Data, Risk Management, Technology
Airlines are a high-profile target for fraudsters, whether it be attempts to use stolen credit cards on our websites, to fraudulently claim frequent flier miles, or other scams, Wilson said Mumbai: Full-service carrier Air India has prevented revenue loss of over Rs 3...
by AIP Online Bureau | Oct 14, 2023 | Indian News, Non-Life, Reinsurance
“The airlines had taken permission from its re/insurers to operate these two flights to Tel Aviv. The flights had normal insurance covers available to airlines on international flights ’’ said industry sources A clutch of insurers including New India...
by AIP Online Bureau | Jun 28, 2023 | Indian News, Regulation, Risk Management
The Competition Commission of India (CCI) has sent a so-called “show cause” notice to Air India to explain its position, expressing concern that on some routes and categories – such as business class travel – the merged entity could have a...
by AIP Online Bureau | Jun 21, 2023 | Eco/Invest/Demography, Indian News, Non-Life, Reinsurance
With a total of almost 1,000 jet orders between them, IndiGo and Air India are betting an economic boom and growing middle class will spur demand for domestic air travel, and new jets will help them grab a bigger share of international traffic The number of domestic...